About me

Hello everyone, I`m Janvi. I offer a genuine online service where I provide live video calls. My focus is on maintaining a respectful and safe environment. I offer video chatting sessions that are tasteful and engaging. While engaging in conversations, I ensure that the content remains appropriate and respectful. I also offer phone sex services with a focus on keeping the conversation enjoyable and light-hearted. Feel free to reach out for a hot and fun chat, accompanied by appropriate visuals. Let`s create a comfortable atmosphere together.


  • Age: 25
  • Weight: 60
  • Hair colour: Redhead
  • Nationality: India
  • Smoking: yes
  • 1 hour charge: 3200
  • Full time charge: 15000

Administration: Latikamittledelhi110@gmail.com

Latika Mittle independent call girls
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